Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

//°°\\ A Brand New Simple Creative Network For Producers Of Electronic Music //°°\\

My friend Chris Richardet an me are on a new project which might be of interest, if you too are a producer of electronic music.

No matter if your a newbie or a professional. It's all about creativity!

Here's our message to you:

Welcome to the 20 min social network: Produce tracks within 20 minutes and share in our brand new community!

Chris says: Sometimes you just need rules and restrictions to be creative and this is the main idea of our new project “20min audio”. We wanted to keep everything as simple as possible. Sharing your work should be done by only pasting a link – and our rules should be easy to follow.

Of course you can further explore this site as it contains many additional features like searching for member, make new friendships and do conversations with other members.

The site and system is up and running now but we are sure, there will be many changes once users actively take part in the project. If you have any feedback for us, just drop us a line – either with the messaging tool or by leaving a comment in the site wide activity.

And now: have fun and share the dogma here...

The 20minaudio Network!


So please join us, share your work, get inspiration!

roy mantel

Montag, 11. November 2013

//°°\\ Kill The DJ and Into DJ Hell //°°\\

Kill The DJ (including "Into DJ Hell") is a narrative song, an utopia, where a global digital conscience (the Global-Art-Intelligence-Server) tries to save the human arts. DJs* are enemies of art, due to their lack of knowledge of the ideals and the ethics of arts, due to their decadence, narcisism and arrogance.
So eventually the GLAIS decides to destroy the DJing in order to save the humanistic perception of art. The GLAIS thinks, culture has to win over stupidity.

So them DJs have to rest in digital hell, deprived of beat and glamour..

Kill The DJ 0:00 - 5:22
Into DJ Hell 5:23 - 9:49

*The GLAIS is not talking about "real" DJs, modest persons with a fantastic knowledge of music and a passion for the good beat! The GLAIS-measurement is about the luxury car driving self declared bling-bling-gods of studpitiy. The real DJs choice of music is a form of art based on knowledge, experience, personality and intuition.

Dienstag, 24. September 2013

//°°\\ Not Art, No Artist, Just Output From The Outputist //°°\\

Zenmetalshirt no longer meets the music. Zen is an ancient meditation ritual. My occupation with meditation is independent of any given rituals. Metalshirts I do not longer wear.

Learning new things is an integral part of my life. Every time I start a new song is a start from scratch, is a lesson of the unprepared.
I cannot bind the creation to any defined style or concept or predefinitions. It is not about avoiding concepts and I'm aware this is not the most promising way to success. But who cares about success. Do I? I don't, at least not about success in the general sense. My success is fulfilled when anyone out there is touched by a song I created or when an artist wants me to collaborate on a project. I can't imagine a higher reward. The airplay on SomaFM is a wonderful gift of aknowledgement by professional measurement.

I don't like the idea of imposing a so called "artists name" on what I create, because what I do is not an artists work, it's just what is being generated by my preoccupation with the creation of music on my technical devices. The output of my activity. So I'm more an outputist than an artist.
To make it the easiest possible, zenmetalshirt becomes mantel.

Samstag, 7. September 2013

//°°\\ Number 14: another 20 minutes production with ableton live //°°\\

Totally unprepared I started from scratch as usual. Today it took me 21 minutes to finish. No excuse...

Dienstag, 3. September 2013

//^^\\ wonderful art formed by the wind //^^\\

untitled by kingcoat
untitled, a photo by kingcoat on Flickr.

No matter what's below.
We should stand still and watch the clouds more often.
The most astonishing kind of art is free and sometimes only lasts for seconds.

Mittwoch, 28. August 2013

^^°°^^ 20 Minutes from scratch #13 ^^°°^^

Another production video; I hope you like it!

Listen to the finished song here:

Dienstag, 27. August 2013

--++-- 20 minutes from scratch #12 production video --°°--

the "20 minutes from scratch" songs are completely composed and arranged in less than 20 minutes with ableton live. Starting with a blank screen, I use NO loops or any prepared stuff.
After 20 minutes I render the song and start uploading it :)
It's not quality, it's quantity that counts :)

listen here for all of my 20min from scratch-tracks:

here's the final track:

Donnerstag, 22. August 2013

Sonntag, 28. Juli 2013

//°°\\ Cloudness - New Photographs //°°\\

I love gazing at the clouds. All this Photos have been taken with my motorola milestone 2
I hope you enjoy these clouds too!

Cloud 0Cloud 2Cloud 1Cloud 3Cloud 5Cloud 7
Cloud 9Cloud 13Cloud 16Cloud 18Cloud 19Cloud 21
Cloud 22Cloud 23Cloud 24Cloud 25Cloud 26Cloud 27
Cloud 29Cloud 30Cloud 31Cloud 32Cloud 33Cloud 34
Cloudness, ein Album auf Flickr.

Samstag, 9. März 2013


Here's some of the loops i've been producing for my song and some others, I just did for fun. It's getting more and more.

Feel free to use 'em if you like. Just don't forget to give the right credits if you make money :) and share 20% of your extra-income with

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Loopstuff von zenmetalshirt steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported Lizenz.

Freitag, 1. März 2013

//°\\ ANOTHER UPDATE: Brand New Track in Progress - 3033 Wenn Ihr Das Wollt //°\\

Here's the updated unfinished track about robotic intelligence taking over all governments and willing to destroy all human life in order to save the earth. but they will give us a last chance, if we are ready to do what they say. And we will. And it will be a better world!

Has computer generated vocals in german, new synths and grooves. No preproduced stuff inside, as always :)

Soon to be finished.... stay tuned

Samstag, 2. Februar 2013

//--\\ A touching document: Remembrance 《念》//--\\

This is a very touching document I'd like to share here. It is an audio work. The names of 5205 students who died in the Sichuan earthquake on may 12 2008 were recited here. Every lost life is a lost world. Due to sub-standart architecture these students lost their lives in one of the many schools who collapsed.

Quote from the Ai Weiwei youtube channel:"On April 24, 2010 at 00:51, Ai Weiwei (@aiww)
started a Twitter campaign to commemorate
students who perished in the earthquake in
Sichuan on May 12, 2008. 3,444 friends from the Internet delivered voice recordings, the names of 5,205 perished were recited 12,140 times."