Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010

LABEL THY ANGER feat. Pappa Thorpe

Pappa Thorpe has produced a fantastic video for our collaboration Label Thy Anger.
Music by Zenmetalshirt aka Roy, Vocals and Video by Pappa Thorpe...

E N J O Y ! ! !

Freitag, 8. Oktober 2010

//++\\ 20 minutes number 2 //++\\

here my second track from scratch, produced in about 20 minutes. no loops, no preproduced stuff, blank screen :)

i hope you enjoy it!

20mins number2 by zenmetalshirt

Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2010

//°°°°°\\ 20 mins from scratch //°°°°°\\

a new project: 20 minute productions from scratch. blank screen, no loops, no prepared instruments, just click'n'compose...

here my first 20 min track:

20mins number1 by zenmetalshirt

Sonntag, 12. September 2010

vegan in a butcher shop

that's how we felt...

and a great new project coming soon; live performance with a dancer in a museum.

stay tuned :)
more soon...

Dienstag, 15. Juni 2010

Montag, 14. Juni 2010



stongly influenced by the great original novel by F.Scott Fitzgerald...(not the movie that is a completely different story)...
Posted by Picasa

Freitag, 11. Juni 2010


part 1 of my live performance @ the Gartenhaus ( complete performance about 2.5 hours, this is the first 37 minutes.
featuring some vocal excerpts by Rahmat Haron from "Bakun - Pool of Blood" (see zenmetalshirt)
you can download it in mp3 320kbs or contact if you want the wav file....

Sonntag, 16. Mai 2010

Montag, 29. März 2010

Bakun - Pool of Blood featuring Rahmat Haron by zenmetalshirt

Rahmat Harons words and my music in a collaboration:

Bakun - Pool of Blood featuring Rahmat Haron by zenmetalshirt

Doa Selamat

Bakun, kukenang engkau dari jauh. Dari sebuah ingatan terkoyak, rusuh dan rabak.
Aku yang terkedu di kamar kaku BangsaT Utama dan hujan lebat menyikat cemar kota - lambat-lambat menyerap kotor kimia dan asap ke dalam tanah masam tajam berasid ini.

Bakun, kutahu banyak yang telah terkorban. Rimba seluas Singapura hanya tinggal gambar rajah sehelai peta lama.
Kehidupan hutan tebal dicukur botak kemajuan. Ditogel tarah pesta bogel pengkhianatan gila harta tamak kuasa haloba dunia kota.
Konon empangan itu bekal tenaga menggerak nyawa tugu-tugu batu pembangunan.

Bakun, bangkai kehidupan tenggelam tak berkafan. Darah bertakung, air bergenang.Tak ada yang tenang. Ia mimpi yang patah, musnah.

Bakun, segala berkecai tercampak ke mana, kehidupan ke mana, empangan ke mana, balak ke mana.Akhirnya yang tinggal tak bersembelih, yang tanggal tak berdalih hanyallah penderitaan,ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooo

Bakun, kini rusuh tubuhmu kemarau kering, kontang dan terbongkang.hujan basah, berkeruh becak lopak berdarah.

Bakun, engkau yang mati terlentang, ruh merayap ke serata negeri. semangat hinggap di tingkap kaku bangsat utama mengagau seriau.

Bakun, engkau belum aman lagi nanti aku akan terbang ke sana dengan kepak Kenya Lang, ku suberang laut China Selatan. dengan pedang keadilan kita akan keluar memburu puaka-puaka alam itu.

Freitag, 12. März 2010

°°°°° great electronica from a good friend °°°°°

LC1 by charlesatan

my friend charles atan produces some awesome electronica... it seems we'll soon perform some more live gigs together :)

please visit his site 

Donnerstag, 11. März 2010

///°°\\\ AMBICORE unfinished ///°°\\\

Bakun - Pool of Blood instrumental version by zenmetalshirt

this is the track i'm working on at the moment...
there's been a lot of change and new inspirations in my life during the recent months and i'm amazed how much the changes take effect on the way i create and mix my music now...


Freitag, 29. Januar 2010

New Track... Epilogue pt1 with Pappa Thorpe featuring Andi Reinhart by zenmetalshirt

here's a new track with my friend pappa thorpe from the united states and guitars by my old friend andi reinhart from zurich...enjoy the dark ambicore industrial experience :)))))

Epilogue pt1 with Pappa Thorpe featuring Andi Reinhart  by  zenmetalshirt